Are You In Charge Of A Retirement Event For The Manager Of Your Department?
Posted on: 13 May 2019
Are you in charge of an event to honor the head of your department at work? If so, maybe you are stumped as to what to plan for the event and what to give your boss as a retirement gift. From selecting an executive gift to planning a special program, here are some ideas that might help you
Select The Gift
Of course, you'll first need to determine how much you can spend on a gift for your retiring department manager. Will you be using the money from a special kitty to purchase the gift? If not, that probably means that you'll be collecting donations from your coworkers. If your department has a lot of people in it, obviously you'll be able to get an expensive executive gift. On the other hand, if there are only a few individuals that will be contributing, it's obvious that you'll be looking for a less expensive gift.
If you have limited funds, consider buying a nice picture frame. Get a photograph of everyone in your department, put the photo on a large mat, and have everybody write a message and sign his or her name on the mat. That gift will certainly be a reminder of coworkers who esteemed your manager, won't it?
On the other hand, if you have been able to collect a larger sum of money, think of buying something like a distinctive watch. Another idea is to select a beautiful crystal bowl. If you do that, consider having everybody in your department write a note of appreciation that will fill the bowl.
Plan The Retirement Event
An intimate dinner at your manager's favorite restaurant would be a very nice way to honor your department manager if you have only a few people in your department. On the other hand, if the department is large, consider renting an event room, maybe at a hotel. Either way, consider inviting spouses to the event.
Entertainment will make the event more memorable and more fun. Think of finding out your manager's favorite songs and inviting a musical group to sing them. If the event is attended only by a few of you and your spouses or dates, maybe you could sing the songs yourself. You don't even need background music. You may not sound professional, but it will all be in fun anyway, right? Of course, if you have money to hire professionals, there are more options open to you.
No matter the entertainment you arrange, pick somebody in the group, maybe even yourself, to give a short speech that will talk about your manager's years on the job. Include words of gratitude and friendship to make the speech even nice. And don't forget to toast your manager as part of the speech.