Properly Caring For Your New Sustainable Swimsuit

Posted on: 30 December 2020


Sustainable swimwear is the newest trend in recent years. Swimwear corporations around the globe have constructed swimming apparel made from recyclable items such as plastic bottles or ocean-found sustainable materials such as carpet fibers, tulle, and netting. If you decide to help in the battle against using unsustainable items to create new clothing, and you purchase a suit of your own, use the following tips to care for it so it lasts as long as possible.

Wash Your Suit With Longevity In Mind

Whenever you wash a piece of clothing in a washing machine, it is subjected to harsh conditions from the gyrating of the machinery and chemical additives placed in standard detergents. It is best to handwash your suit using a mild dishwashing soap instead. The easiest way to accomplish this is to hang your suit in the shower when you decide to wash your body. Bring the appropriate soap in the shower with you to apply to your suit, rinse well, and allow to air dry. An alternate method is to handwash your suit in a sink.

Do Not Use Heat As A Drying Method

It is best to refrain from putting a sustainable swimsuit in the dryer after it is laundered. Heat causes premature wear on sustainable materials. Instead, lay your swimsuit out on a flat surface where it is not subjected to sunlight or direct warmth from a furnace or heating unit. It may take a bit longer for your suit to dry, but you have the peace of mind it will continue to provide you with a fashionable style without damage to the fabric it was constructed from.

Store Your Swimsuit Away From Other Items

To keep your swimsuit completely protected, place it in a cotton bag whenever it is not being worn. This separates your suit from other articles of clothing. This layer of protection wards off the transferal of soap remnants or debris. It also allows for you to find your swimsuit without hesitation if it is being stored in an area with several other items. Simply look for the cotton bag.

Consider The Amount Of Time You Use Your Suit

Most sustainable swimsuits last for a season; however, if you take the time to protect yours, it is possible to keep your suit in your wardrobe for longer. If you are not going to be swimming or sunbathing for several hours, take off your swimsuit, and wear an alternative clothing choice until you take up your summertime activities again.